• 5 months ago

    I wonder if it's true? I mean, it's on the internet so it's 50/50. I've already cut out sugar years ago.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … From what I know most cases of dementia have the same cause as cardiovascular disease. The clogging of your arteries due to fat and cholesterol also happens in the brain vessels. Diabetes type 2 is a result of fat being stored in the muscle which prevents glucose from entering the cells. All these common diseases actually have the same lifestyle cause. You can kind of see them as the same disease just different outcomes. Too much fat and cholesterol floating around in your body will slowly gunk up your system over the years. Think about that the next time you have cheese on top of a big mac.
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    • Nodley
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … It's important to see what the totality of evidence shows. And it's pretty damning.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Looks pretty clear to me, all the old studies on cholesterol were flawed and new ones are showing dietary cholesterol isn't the issue.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … No that's just not true.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … When presented with new evidence you have to be able to change your mind and admit you may have been wrong though.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … No. This is a complicated subject. New does not always = better. In the case of those cholesterol studies they used problemattic methods that are misleading (probably even intentionally so). Lots of loby power going on in this area. I'm always happy to admit when I'm wrong but this has nothing to do with my ego. Those studies are bogus. Lots of flawed studies make headlines and and are interpreted in very strange and incorrect ways leading people to beleive very strange things that have nothing to do with reality.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Have you actually read it?
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … We have had this same exact discussion before, I had provided many explanations and evidence to back it up but you never engaged with it. So I cannot see this discussion going anywhere. What do you want me to say? yes cholesterol is fantastic for you and your heart health and you can eat as much of it as you want because it will only make you stronger! all research from 1900 to now about cholesterol are wrong because some new studies came out with questionable methods and motives and now we know the truth. Bacon and eggs are healthy for you and in other news chocolate has polyphenols so chocolate must be good for you too and wine is also healthy and why we think that is not because of the "sick quitters effect" at all or headlines on magazine articles. It's true science.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Nope. But you can admit that cholesterol alone has been proven in recent studies to have no effect of CVD, and it could well be fatty acids instead of cholesterol that gave the old results. Surely finding the truth is the most important thing right? It's more important than either of us being right, because then we have the answer to all of our debates and we can all be a little healthier.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … And even if these studies are reoeated and they find cholesterol 100% definitely wasn't the culprit after all and all along it was the fatty acids I still wouldn't tell anybody to eat as much cholesterol as they like, or bacon, or chocolate, or anything else for that matter. My view right from day one is to eat a bit of everything in moderation.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Most people in general eat high cholesterol diets. This makes everything difficult because after a certain amount cholesterol plateaus so once you reach that plateau eating more cholesterol will have less and less effect on your cholesterol levels. There are almost no placebo control groups in the population who have actual "normal" (low.) cholesterol levels/diets. If I were to increase my cholesterol in my diet though I would increase my cholesterol a lot. But one more burger for some guy at heart attack grill will not phase him because his dietary cholesterol is already high. relatively to him I would suffer more from +1 burger. And yes too much sat fat is also bad for you. You need some but not a whole lot.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I'm leaning towards the camp of sugar is the main enemy, plus processed food of course, but that should go without saying. If you look through history humans were eating veg and meat all the time, they even drew cave paintings of it, and they weren't fat. Look at photos from the 60s 70s and even 80s, people on the beach were in fairly good shape, fat people although they were definitely around weren't half the population like it is now. I really don't think eating natural things harms us at all. People used to homecook a lot more back in the day so I think we all need to stop arguing veg vs meat and concentrate on what happened to our diets starting in the 70s(ish). I fully believe that is the culprit, not veg and not meat or anything else natural. There's no such thing as obesity in wild animals so we just need to eat as wild animals do, it's that simple. Eat veg, eat fruit, eat meat, eat fish, it's all good.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … I'm also in the sugar is bad camp but there are a whole bunch of things that are also bad or even worse. It's not just sugar to look out for, it's too much salt and too much protein and fat and cholesterol and trans fats, alcohol. Never before in history have people eaten so much meat you know. It's not normal the way we eat meat today. Ancient people did not have mass slaughter houses. Meat was sparse. Hunting also sucks. You only do that when you have to and if you kept animals you didn't have enough to feed everyone in the village steak everyday. The sardinians only ate meat about twice a month If I remember. Today they are not so healthy over there because they eat more like we do now. But it's not only meat to watch out for It's also processed foods that extract single elements from food and combine them together to make a a tasty abomination. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes. They don't care what we believe to be healthy. That is why I try to learn about them so I hopefully don't eat or sit my way to them over the years. Everything that I have learned over time points me towards the conclusion that we eat too many foods that are just too rich for us and we do not eat enough veggies, whole grains and beans and mushrooms and fruits and nuts. And that sucks for us because rich foods are the most tasty ones but I'd rather not get diseases so I try my best to avoid them though I do eat junk from time to time. And I think I could go easier on the salt and cooking oil. I could do better in that department. But I'm getting much much closer to the way I think you should eat to be healthy. I also got better in cooking to make everything taste good. Not the sloppy veggies that I was served as a child but nice food that I am happy to eat like bean burrito's ! Oh and wok veggies with noodles and oven potatoes and curry. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting some oats now.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I think you're looking too much into studies and they're all flawed and they all contradict each other. For every one that proves meat is bad there is another that proves meat is good. For every one that proves veg is good there is another going on about anti-nutrients and oxalates and whatever. I've been low key casual learning for a few years now, and there are eskimos that live on meat and blubber, there are people in the pacific who just eat fish, there are vegans all over and they CAN all thrive. If your claims about meat are true then eskimos should have died of heart attacks by age 20 and that's just not true. Eskimos have a similar prevalence of CAD (coronary artery disease) as non-Eskimo populations but their life expectancy is approximately 10 years shorter than the Danish population. This is due to missing nutrition not the fat and meat. So it's much more than basic fats, carbs, protein, salt etc, it seems to include everything about your life. Obviously the studies give us some insights but they are not conclusive because they don't show the whole story, all they show is a controlled group concentrating on a single thing and not seeing the whole picture, where as diets that have been around for thousands of years are conclusive. For example a carnivore diet for a man that has been eating junk for decades will show brilliant health benefits all round. The same diet for a healthy young person in Europe will show negative results after a while due to excess cholesterol and fats with nothing else dietary to counter them, unless perhaps they are weight training like a strongman, so there's another extra factor. A person doing physical work in freezing Siberia will show more benefit of a carnivore diet than a person that lives and works at a desk on the equator. Then there is lifestyle, health, exercise, type of work, and about a billion other factors. There is nothing wrong in eating meat, veg, fats, sodium, cholesterol etc etc, it all depends on many circumstances, and they are all vital. The only diet we don't need is the ultra processed one, every single person on earth can ditch that one and improve their health no matter which diet they choose. I'm still saying that straight down the middle is the best, get a bit of everything in there.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … After after increasing sat fat and cholesterol in my diet I had worse health. When I decreased it it got better. When I increased it it got worse again. When I decreased it it got better again. I didn't know why so I looked into why. It was the last possible answer I looked in to because I thought milk and eggs were good for me I also believed meat was good for you because I was brought up that way. I just didn't eat it because I thought it was cruel. But I had to rethink my beliefs. Everything I learned I applied to my diet. My health improved and my ability to run and breath also improved as well as my endurance strangely and I didn't expect that. I had always had bad endurance but after getting rid of eggs and dairy it got quite good. There is nothing controversial about what I am saying about meat. In all my searches I have never found a study that says meat is good. At most that it does not have a negative effect compared to something else. You can find studies to support almost any standpoint even that smoking is not bad. But I know that and that is why I try to see the bigger picture not go off of individual studies. But the fact that meat is best replaced by other foods like beans for health does not mean you can't eat it. If you keep it to small amounts of meat and eat healthy stuff with it you probably will still be quite healthy.
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