• 10 months ago
    As I stand here in Isabella's paddling pool on the hottest day of the year with my family beside me, my own house, no worries, a bbq on the go and a can of beer in my hand I think I know true happiness. Also being old, wise and past all the ego bullshit helps too. But I cannot think of another time in my life when I was genuinely this happy. My life right now is perfect and I don't want anything more. Well, maybe a better boss but we can't have everything.

    I thought I was truly happy the day we bought our house, I was so happy that day. But life just keeps getting better for me. Rich people say money doesn't buy happiness but neither does minimum wage, money IS important. It's not everything but it's a part of the solution, you need enough to do things and not worry about money.

    Another thing, would I have appreciated everything I have now if I was still young? I don't think I could. I think happiness is only achievable once you're older or have experienced bad times. Or maybe some people are just smarter than me, but I'm the guy that has to learn the lesson, you can't tell me something I have to experience it.

    I hope all my favslist friends are as happy one day as I am today, even Husky the worst admin ever who won't let me add pages.
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