• 10 months ago
    I still can't play any longer than about 2 minutes or so, I just can't do a full song and it frustrates the fuck out of me. The pain in my arm from my injury last year just builds and builds until I can't continue. It's like arm pump, have you guys ever ridden a motocross bike? I used to get arm pump a lot doing that, it feels exactly the same. Once I rest for a minute I feel OK again. I'm actually not too bad playing using barre chords because my hand sort of keeps the same shape and just moves up and down the fretboard, but that limits me to certain songs, songs like this I can do no problem: https://youtu.be/h9JZWhjQDvc your fingers hardly move at all. If I learned actual music theory I might be able to find a way to play more songs using barre chords but that's a lot of work.

    I'm wondering if maybe I should try another instrument instead of persisting. Maybe a keyboard? I wonder if I have enough flexibilty though in my left wrist, I am quite limited compared to normal people, it's about half of my other wrist. Nothing really excites me like guitars though. I have a harmonica and it's fairly easy to grab the basics but I don't like it like I do a guitar. Maybe I could try those electronic drum thingys, they might be fun. Anything like a trumpet or saxophone I will never be able to do, I can't move my fingers anymore, so my dream of being the saxophone guy from The Lost Boys is over before it begins lol.

    I wonder if I could play bass guitar? It looks a lot easier on the left hand than a normal guitar, there's not so many chords and shapes for my hand to constantly change to....

    I just don't know. But I really enjoy playing music and I aint ready to stop yet. And I can't sing to save my life :D
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