• 1 year ago
    Finally pulled my games out of storage and bought a media shelf to showcase them all. I'm contemplating reducing shelf space by combining some of the series into multi-disc cases. It's weird because I like having them on a shelf displayed but I'm not married to the original cases.. So like I have 4 SOCOM games on the PS2 and I could just take all the discs and put them in a 4 disc case. But then I have to make a custom cover for the "SOCOM Series" or something similar. I guess the real question is if I'm able to make a cover that is good enough by my standards. Of course there's exceptions in games I really love or ones with special manuals like the GTA series or Metal Gear games. But like the Ghost Recons...who cares about some army dude on the cover and the manual is barebones anyway. Same with ATV Offroad Fury series... it's a guy on an ATV I get it. But I want the original games to pop in and play without having to deal with emulation. But then of course I'm destroying any value they have as a collector's item in the future... Then there's also the question of should I sell my Jak & Daxter and Sly Cooper games since I have the PS3 HD collections...am I ever going to go back and play them over the HD remakes? Probably not. But also I don't really need the money at the moment and they're bound to only go up in value as they get rarer... so maybe I should hold onto them....Who knew owning video games was such a headache.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Oh that’s cool! Yeah put them on display! Why would playing the discs reduce the value though? Or are they still sealed? I don't think you have to worry so much about their value if you enjoy having them and playing them. A while ago I got rid of the case for the sims and all the expansions but I now regret it though. Those cases were so nostalgic. I can easily buy them back though. They are cheap as chips. Also the insert of my final fantasy X-2 and octopath traveller somehow got wavy… It made me so annoyed. All my other games are fine but only these games have cheap stupid paper or something. I am trying to straighten out the cover art in a book but I have a feeling it won’t work.
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Nah, not losing value by playing the disc. I meant by throwing out the case. As a buyer of old things it always pains me minimize something that's been around for a long time and isn't being made anymore. There's probably some dude out there that would really like to have ATV Offroady Fury 3 with a case and I'm out here throwing half of it into a landfill. But I suppose it doesn't really matter. I think we threw out the Sims cases when we bought them back in the day lol, they were so bulky and there were a billion expansions.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Ah I get it. Yes the cases can be a pain when it's not just one game in one case but one game with many expansions in many cases. I guess you could always put the cases you don't like into storage or under your bed as a middle way. But it's your collection you can do what you want with it. you can sell the empty cases or throw them out if you want. For some reason I'm okay with cartridges games and pc games not having cases but when it comes to console discs based games I get annoyed when they don't have cases. I found a new super mario bros wii game disc for cheap with no box and first I was like "oh nice!" But now I'm thinking "what is this disc even doing here in my collection? It's naked and indecent" :-P
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Asd a teenager I once made a display of all the different beers I'd drank. I had about 2000 bottles in my bedroom and my mam made me throw them away because I never washed them out and they stank :D
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Yea, console game discs I like having boxes for but I do have a folio that has like 80 PS2 games some kid stole without cases. My sister worked at a chain toy store and the police showed up one day with the folio of stolen games returning it from a thief they caught but by that time PS3 was already out and the store had no way of selling the used discs so told her to throw it away or keep it. I think there were also Xbox and GameCube folios too but we only had PlayStations at the time so her co-workers took the other ones.
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    • Explojin
      Editing … I did something similar with Arizona Ice Tea tall cans. They had a ridiculous amount of flavors at the time and I had built a wall of them in my room. Probably 40-50 different cans though so not quite as much.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … whaaat! You got free game treasure trove. The story behind it makes it even more valuable. That's pretty nice.
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