• 1 year ago
    Lately I wonder if the Switch Lite is just not that good. Sure fooled me, though. I was fooled enough to actually upgrade to a Dialga edition and to upgrade my SD card to a 512 GB. (Very glad I did those things while I still possessed the motivation to do so.) It was only afterwards that my interest started to wane. Over fifty percent of why I liked the Switch may have simply been Pokemon Shield. It's to the Switch what Gravity Rush was to the Vita; Castlevania to the original DS.

    That's not to say the Lite is terrible. It's still pretty good or just ok. But going in I had kind of expected it to be the ultimate handheld. Instead it feels like I've bought an Android console that Nintendo happened to endorse. So much indie shovelware. Many games are ported to it as an afterthought. Seemingly /the vast majority of games/ vaguely feel as though they were not optimized for handheld mode. (that or just don't sit right with me being displayed on a handheld screen) Nintendo first party offerings sucking as they so often do, Odyssey being an inexplicable exception. (save for the lack of button remapping in-game, and having A be jump) Battery life. And I noticed that I spend what is perhaps too much time browsing the eshop rather than actually playing. That seems to be a symptom of any console, actually. (The ones that are connected online, at least) Before I set the system down (usually because the battery is getting low) I tend to look at the eshop and just stay there because I don't feel like putting the system away to charge. Weird. What's funny is, I wondered if maybe CFW was bad because I tend to give up on games more easily, but at least I don't deal with Netflix syndrome. Although, I hear Vita CFW still has the homebrew shop and pkg. Oh crap..
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