• 1 year ago
    They tried to build upon Gex 2, but they missed the mark so hard it's not even funny. The level design is just terrible! You get easily lost and are stuck searching for clues. Plus everything is just made to annoy the player. The level design kinda reminds me of Super Mario Sunshine in that regard, which was also terrible. The music is okay, I guess. But compared to the amazing soundtrack of the predecessor, it's absolutely forgettable. The bonus levels with the time limit are also an insult. The additional characters don't serve any purpose and what's with that porn actress?? She can't act even if her life depended on it; it was just awful. The story also didn't make a whole lot of sense. Why is Rez back? Why is he kidnapping that agent? I WANT ANSWERS! Seriously, if you want to enjoy Gex, just play Enter The Gecko. 4/10
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    • Explojin
      Editing … I've heard from a friend that pornstars aren't very good actresses so that part sounds dead on.
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