• 3 years ago
    I tend to dream about the games or shows currently in my life, and while playing Far Cry Primal, I had a dream that there was a twist ending. The finale would have the player catch sight of a far-off hyper-advanced city, a gigantic black pyramid covered in little golden lit windows. Above it a sort of gold gear-shaped holographic halo floated.
    I think it was supposed to belong to a dead civilization. The player also had no option to actually visit the city, just to see it in the distance. It was an intense thing to witness.

    I later had another Primal-like dream. It was a new Far Cry spinoff which seemingly once again explored the pre-historic era, only now the characters had more modern facial structure, and spoke english. This disappointed me, but I was happy to revisit the idea at least. And this also had the distinction of mostly being set in plains and villages, rather than forests and mountains. The lead villainous tribe was hella brutal, leaving the survivors of tribes they conquered missing hands or feet.
    Again, this game had a twist. It wasn't the past. It was the far-distant future, set long after societal collapse. And after staging a rescue in the ruins of an old concrete city, and facing off against enemies armed with laser guns, I again witnessed an advanced civilization in the distance, surrounded by walls, with lines of hoverships travelling in and out.
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