• 3 years ago
    There hasn't been a game that feels like a Crash game since Wrath of Cortex in 2001, and that game wasn't that good anyways. It was decent, but nothing when compared to the original trilogy, that trilogy that I always felt it was underrated and that it made me so happy got recognized and appreciated a lot in the last couple of years thanks to what's probably my all time favourite game now, the N. Sane Trilogy.
    That adaptation was so FUCKING good, but the challenge was to now actually grab that and create a new game with it. One that is faithfull but that also updates some stuff, because the original trilogy is quite old by now. But you know what? Crash Bandicoot 4 nails it! And it nails it so God damn well.
    The main things from Crash 3 are still here, spinning, the dash, the double jump (unlockable from the start this time around), all the crates and a few new ones. It does bring back some stuff from Crash 1, there are no pink cristals, but there's a total of 12 gems to unlock per level, which the maximum I've done on one was 11, so there's a ton of replayability, specially since half of those gems are part of the new N.Verted mode, which not only mirrors the level but throws interesting visual twists to it. And that's not even talking about the time trials and tapes that unlock hard special levels (and so far I was only able to unlock one of them). The game map is also akin to Crash 1, with a linear level selection.
    There are a few changes made to make the game more fair/easy, the jump is way more forgiving, I feel like I can be more exact on where I want to be, and panic save myself more often as well. The circular thing that tells you where Crash is going to land also helps a lot, and of course, the lack of lives, which means infinite tries, instead it counts your deaths (My record was 140 deaths on one level, tho there was a lot of suicides trying to catch four crates, I spent an hour and half in one 5 second spot just trying to catch all the crates there). The last two changes are optional, you can turn them off, if you want, but the game seems to have been designed around this. Each level awards you a gem for dying a maximum of 3 times over it's course, and the wumpa fruits are not rendered useless, as collecting them can give you up to three gems at the end as well. And of course, the game is fucking super fucking hard.
    It's easily the hardest game I've played in the series. and unless the Crash of Titans series are harder, it's the hardest overall. The bonus levels in specific are assholes, it requires pitch perfect precision, timing and a good sense of enviorment as well to actually complete these with all the crates. And actually, the game is probably easier if you just ignore most of the boxes... But who does that? The game can be very frustrating, but it's also incredibly rewarding, and with more precise jumping mechanics, this time it's really all on you.
    The masks were the thing I was most worried about, because they are giving up game changing powers, but these powers actually blend so well with the gameplay, and instead of making things easier, each power actually brings different challenges and puzzles that would be impossible in previous games.
    The new characters (Tawna, Dingodile and Cortex) are a mixed bag. I want to give props to make them all actually feel and play differently from one another, and Tawna feels really nice to play as (and I'm not a furry, but those thighs), but Cortex and Dingodile, while not horrible to play as, have mechanics that just don't feel as pleasing to play as the others, and I'm talking about mostly the jumping system of both, but other than that, pretty cool, pretty cool.
    There is a couple bugs here and there, none that game breaking, mostly visually, like the time trial clock being there in the first run of a level, tho not interacteable, and slippery floor where the slippery part was actually floating above the floor. I also managed to clip over some platforms like twice, but thank God, because that saved my life. I hope they patch these up tho.
    And that's it. sorry for the big text, but I'm so passionate for this series, and this game just did such a beautiful job at keeping what the games are about and what makes them fun, and that's such a rare thing for franchises as old as this one, specially those that change teams often. So thanks Toys for Bob, I really love it!
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … I'm glad you enjoyed the remake
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Thanks. This text is about Crash 4 tho
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … I enjoyed Crash in its era, but when I tried out the N Sane Trilogy the super linear on rails w/ fixed camera design felt far too restrictive to me. I was really surprised Crash 4 got such good reviews, so I might give it a go at some point since I really miss 3D platformers.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … I didn't read any of it, ngl
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … "the super linear on rails w/ fixed camera design" is still very to this one tho. Tho I like it remains like that.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … I haven't played a good Crash game period. I tried the original three on PSP and didn't find them to be good at all. (I gave up on the first game literally the same place I stopped playing it on a Toysrus kiosk all those years ago) CTR on Switch is trash and the PSP games are trash. When I had a 360 there was a demo for one of them and I hated that too, I was a brat then but after playing the PSP version, I can see that I wasn't wrong. So anyway, I found it funny that Crash 4 is called "It's About Time". I would try it though, it's probably no worse than what came before simply on account of the fact that it's new. (and touted as a glorious return to form) But it's not on Switch so.. guess I won't.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … i don't think there's much chance of liking Crash 4 if you don't like the original trilogy. It's updated to the new audience but ti's still the same game in it's core.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … If there were an abundance of 3D platformers these days I probably only play it if it were on Game Pass or PS Now something (and that might still be how I wind up playing it). But given we're limited these days to Mario Odyssey, A Hat in Time.... Super Lucky's Tale I guess? I feel I ought to at least give it a shot. I just seriously miss the heydays of Jak and Ratchet and Sly on the PS2. Why oh why do awesome genres have to go practically extinct?
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    • Pudding
      Editing … I am really glad that you are enjoying it and that Crash 4 has lived up mostly to the insane expectations the community has set up for it! That's quite impressive! I feared that the masks would prove to be a gimmick, but I am glad they are not. Will have to definitely get it in the future as it seems really fun, but still need to (re)play Warped from the Nsane Trilogy before I even think about getting the new one.
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Alright fine, I'll buy it.
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    • LizardTaro
      Editing … "I'm not a furry, but..." oh no... this is how it always begins...
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … Switch port confirmed!
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