• 3 years ago
    So, if math is the language of the universe does that mean you could program it? In theory you could create the universe on a computer. Is this why some people think we could be living in a simulation like the matrix? I heard Elon Musk once said that but I don't know. It's interesting though, just thinking about the possibilities.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … There's so much we don't understand that doesn't make sense such as dark matter though, we have no idea what it is we just detect it. Could that be code? I don't think we're in a simulation, let's be clear. But if math is the one thing that's sure then it COULD be a simulation, right? Shit, once you start thinking about one thing you open a rabbit hole and quickly get lost. Now I'm all confused as fuck. P.S. I still don't think we're a simulation.
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