• 5 years ago
    I've come to realise that literally all of my die hard favourite games are ones whose dialogue is told through text boxes/windows that wait for the player's input before progressing. There's a shitton of them in my list, all of my top 10 are like that (WoW counts since even outside of its quest log the dialogue all stays in your chat box). I have a lot of trouble paying attention to things and I always find myself dazing off in games and shows and films and shit and I keep missing huge important chunks of story and dialogue and being completely lost because of it (one of the reasons I think I have ADHD) and those kinds of dialogue boxes wait for me to finish daydreaming before continuing so I'm able to fully soak in all the story/dialogue and never miss anything. So if I am right about having ADHD, it's pretty much shaped my entire taste in vidya. When I was younger I used to turn subtitles on for all games/films too and never thought about why that was (stopped because I realised it was a weird thing to do, realising now it was probably because it made it easier to follow). I've been trying to work out for a long-ass time what it is that determines whether or not I get absorbed into games since there are so many amazing games I feel like I should have gotten a lot more "into" than I did and I think I've finally worked out a huge part of it.
    Just a little thought I felt like I had to get out of my head and into the open.
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