• 5 years ago
    So, is there any real reason (besides shameless money grabbing) that the industry is flooded with remakes, re-releases and sequels to old franchises? Is this just the nostalgia generation?
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … The "industry" is always the lowest form of any medium, you have to look outside it to find the good shit.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I'm sick to death of super hero movies. Not many films have interested me lately.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … I saw a video about this the other day. It was something on the lines of the fact that the media pre-internet had more control about what got marketed, but with the internet age now everyone can get access to their own niche stuff, but since that was not the case in the 80s and 90s we kinda did grew up more or less watching the same stuff. Stuff we are now nostalgic for and also, guess what, we now have money to throw at it. So instead of focusing on marketing new stuff that people can generally avoid, it's far more safe nowadays to just bet on things we grew up with.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I suppose there's a lot of truth in that. But I love new stuff too. Look how Harry Potter smashed it. Every so often something new comes along and does really well. And the total recall remake was shit.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … There's actually tons of new stuff being made at the same time, so it doesn't bother me. It's just a bit bewildering going to the cinema in 2019 and seeing posters for Aladdin, Pet Sematary and Child's Play.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Not gonna lie, pet semetary interests me. I love the original but it's quite shit watching it now, it's like a cheap tv movie.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Because just like gaming and every other industry, we're in the era of record profit-seeking for every quarter. The number of movies released each year has doubled since the turn of the century, and people have their attentions further divided by Netflix, Youtube, social media, Fortnite etc. So brand awareness becomes key and movie executives greenlight the familiar and give it a huge marketing budget. What's easier to drill into the drill into the heads of the masses? "Widows? Never heard of it? Oh, it's a heist movie? Based on a BBC series? Never heard of that either. Steve McQueen? He's dead! Oh, the director. What has he done? 12 Years A Slave? Yeah, I've been meaning to see that one but it looks so grim." VS "Black Panther? Ooh, he was really cool in Civil War! I'll see that for sure!" Much like game publishers pushing military shooters until they're driven into the dirt, movie studios chase trends like the Dark Universe, not because they think it will make for a quality franchise, but because they're risk averse and they want some of that sweet MCU money. In that case as well as the DCEU you see how it can blow up in their faces when they try to cut corners and push a franchise out the door without gradually building on it. And it doesn't really matter if these factory assembled movies suffer because of it. In spite of all the fuck-ups, the Mummy still made back more than double its budget. I work with people with medical degrees, and regularly hear conversations like "I can't wait to see that Nutcracker movie" or "My husband and I watched that Adam Sandler Netflix movie and were dying of laughter when naked David Spade fell out of the truck!" Even intelligent members of the filmgoing public generally don't really give a shit. They don't see enough movies to recognize lazy writing, cliche or stock characters or stereotypes, and going to the movies to them is usually an excuse to get out of the house, something fun to do with the kids, somewhere to go on a date etc. Go look at audience polls on Cinemascore. X-Men: First Class is tied with Origins: Wolverine for the lowest rated of the franchise, meaning the Last Stand and Apocalypse were liked better. A family film like Wall-E gets the same score as the fucking Lorax! TL;DR Yes, because of money-grubbing, and because it tends to work.... for now.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Oh, and I'll add https://youtu.be/HnXKE0nfAjI?t=37
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    • Explojin
      Editing … I think folks will go see a reboot movie because if they liked the original and they like the new one that's great. If they don't like the new one they get to compare the two and shit all over it. They still have something to talk about the next day so it's a win-win situation from the general consumers point of view. And of course that translates to dollars.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … I dunno. There's a lot more money grubbing than ever before at the moment. I think companies are really playing it safe, because they're super-afraid of losing out. Sorry if I can't offer any really good insight, but that's the perception I've getting from these big entertainment companies.
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    • rockshard PhD
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