• 5 years ago
    Everyone's favorite staff member on the site--mine included--was recently fired, and he didn't find out until it was posted on the forums. No one knows why, not even him, and as a result it looks like many moderators and editors are straight up quitting. He was my first line of contact when I had any sort of issue on the site, and without him to resolve troubles with nazi mods I doubt I've got any interest in continuing to use Genius.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Remember the Nazi mods on unikgamer? Thank god they didn't keep their jobs here. I lost count of the threads I had locked, and all of it was just fun nothing nasty. The thunderdome was epic and kept arguments out of other posts but nope, they locked that too.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I can't remember much about Unikgamer's forums. I wasn't very active on them, but I remember frequently checking the most recently updated threads. Waiting for ones I'd want to contribute to, probably.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Can't imagine Pape would have nazi mods, he seemed to have the position that Favslist should allow any sort of expression. I remember seeing people ask "is this even allowed?" at someone ranking a controversial page (idk, let's use "Racism" as an example, though that one in particular I'm sure hasn't occurred), and Pape would basically say that if it's one of their favorites, they can make a page and rank it. O Nod, may thee recount thine tales o' the auld forum?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Oh it definitely happened. If you remember I led a revolution and many of us left and that's how Vlados site betweenlifeandgames come into existence. I came back after Pape came over there and spoke with us about Favslist.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I don't doubt your claims that it happened, but I wasn't active enough to see it. I joined when VSauce mentioned the site, but I was never much of a forum user. I don't know if I'm familiar with Vlados or betweenlifeandgames. Tell us about the forums, nod!
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    • Nodley
      Editing … The forums were amazeballs. So much fun was had. Every thread was entertaining.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I'll try digging up favourite quotes from unikgamer. The site is gone but sometimes they are still cached or whatever it's called on Google.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Tales, nod! TALES!
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Vesperia is best.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … [quote=ManCannon] And supermarkets! Always telling me this product is amazing, well it's not! It's not an amazing product and I wont have any of it! I'm a non-supermarkist and I am going to make everybody "think" about supermarkets and challenge them! THE SUPERMARKET DELUSION [quote=GuitarGamer357] Is BioShock some kind of pedophile thing? I mean you have Big Daddy and Little Sister. Like some child molester old man and some little girl and you like "harvest" the girls up and shit. Seriously? That all just doesn't seem right. Those names are so fucking creepy..like they can't even give them real names? They have to give them pedophilia pseudonyms.. [quote=doady] I'm pretty sure the reason Nintendo opted for 360-like design with thick handlebars for the Wii U Pro is because several years back some teenage girl was using the Gamecube controler as a vibrator and she got caught by her father. I think he sued Nintendo or tried to get them banned or something and I guess it was bad PR for the company and so they are probably trying avoid a controller that would become a best friend for someone's daughter and make Jesus cry. [quote=ManCannon & doady] [ManCannon] with everybody wanting a second stick for the 3DS, i sort of wonder if it's a subconscious male wish for a second penis after all, we have two hands but only one stick for fapping, seems such a waste [doady] A second stick for 3DS would be a rather small penis. It is probably more like a vagina. [quote=ManCannon & msg] [ManCannon] i used to get nausea from drinking water in the morning, apparently it's a symptom of pregnancy but it went away, so i guess the aliens took it away [msg] Maybe you had a miscarriage. Have you noticed any blood from your butt? [ManCannon] na i think it was a divine pregnancy, i'll send a letter to Dorkins Dear cocksucker Richard Dorkins, Jesus made me pregnant, he told me you suck fat parrots. [quote=ManCannon, msg & Klem] [Klem] Yeah I know. I'm like a mastermind! could never be as smart as you men though. [msg] That's the reason more men are in games, we're superior in every way. Once we figure out a way to have boobs you lot are getting made redundant. [ManCannon] i know i can't wait, i love boobs but they always come attached to a walking perfume dispenser [Klem] how are you going to grow batcaves though? [ManCannon] you can force the selected male to have machete surgery, or if you are on a budget you take the back door where's Egg btw we might as well get started [msg] They sell artificial batcaves at service stations. [quote=msg] What's the point in studying for a career when you can just dedicate your life to your balls. [quote=Klem&Woodrow Shigeru] [Klem] Oh my god I swear there is something wrong with toilets... My poo got stuck again! This time it was my own toilet. Why don't they make the hole bigger?! I had to flush 4 times before it stopped being stuck. D-: I do feel 5 pounds lighter though. :-D [Woody] Maybe it's not the hole that was too small ... [Klem] oh my god! what are you implying? My poo is well within the standard deviation. [Woody] That's hard to believe without evidence! ;^p [quote=Klem, Woodrow Shigeru & Filly] [Klem] Sure I'd love to help you Filly. If my lady bits are useful to you feel free to use them any way you like. :-D [Woody] .... can we watch? [Filly] .....oh baby [quote=Klem, ManCannon & Desh79] [Klem] Oh crap I overslept! Gota get my ass on the train! TO ROTTERDAM! [Desh79] What are you doing in Rotterdam? I like Rotterdam actually, it reminds me of Hamburg a little. [ManCannon] poisoning the water supply with her cocaine milk [Desh79] Perfectly normal pastime, that. Nothing to be ashamed of. [quote=Filly, Haafie,Klem & Egg] [Filly] Someone punch me in the ass next time I decide to live in an apartment with no dishwasher .-. [Haafie] ...such a strange place to be punched [Filly] I know it's weird, I just like how the phrase "punch in the ass" sounds. [Klem] I like the sound of "punch me in the tits if I do x again" but.....now that I think about it it's the last place I'd want to be punched. Would hurt like hell. ass is a good 2nd option. I like it. [Egg] Does it have a sink? My house doesn't have a dishwasher. Also, awesome quote from Silent Hill Heaven: "I'm gonna punch your ass in the chest!" "Asses have chests . . . What?" [Filly] Whoa. Imagine of ass cheeks had breasts on them. That'd be creepy. Why would you put that image in my head, egg? [Klem] lol. punch my ass in the tits. :-P [Egg] Why did that sound hot . . . *shakes head* I need sleep. [quote=Rockshard, ManCannon & Filly] [rockshard] I'm joining a christian forum but I can't decide on my username [ManCannon] call yourself "God sucks my cock in a bucket and I have no nipples." you will get off to a great start [Filly] Please use Ezekiel23:20 [ManCannon] "She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey's and emissions like those of a horse." Filly i never knew about u <3 ceaseless discharge [Filly] What? NO, I've revealed my darkest secret! This is your fault rukkshard [quote=Filly] I luv you gaiz <3 but sometimes I just want to put rat poison in your tea and crumpets. [quote=ManCannon & Klem] [ManCannon] It invented the fap-copter last night klemobo: a machine consisting of 6 helicopters fused together and powered by the energy of fap. Rukkshard was captain. [Klem] I see you've been enjoying yourself..... :-P [quote=ManCannon] deranged naked dancing while under the infuelnce of various sweets and chocolates [quote=doady] Zelda II is a Zelda for real gamers with chest hair. [quote=ManCannon] when you are a kid games are so much more challenging and seem bigger, plus being a kid is like having 'super liquid fairy sugar' directly injected into your brain "Hey Woodrow no pants! WOOOOOOOOODROW no pants wooooooooooood, woooo~~ooood what? no pants! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! BOHOHOOHOHOHOHOHORORORO!" then you chase ur cat around the house until you run out of breath and fall over and lie there demanding more biscuits and Zelda [quote=doady] Guys, this thread is about the suckiness of Ocarina of Time, not the suckiness of Twilight Princess. Please stay on topic. [quote=doady] I guess Europe is a little different because they are not used to immigration. [quote=ManCannon] considering the porn you watch it's actually scary how serene you are [quote=ManCannon] yeah it seemed that way, it was as if everyone just realized men can be whiny pants and just went balls loose with it all [quote=ManCannon] let's become feminists rukk. can't think of anything else better to do with the evening anyway [quote=Egg, Gynagi & Klem] [Egg] My three wishes: 2. Kill everyone in the world 3. Another million dollars, I forgot about taxes [Gynagi] But without mankind money is worthless. [Klem] What good is money if everyone is dead? [Egg] If you were truly weirder than me, you'd understand the answer to that question. :P [quote=Mancannon] klemobo is like a flower marinated with LSD and rum [quote=Mancannon] the true nutjob king of the forums though is none other than rukkshard, card game addict and God killer [quote=Egg] Well ears have holes but I don't think they're deep enough for fucking without injuring someone. [quote=msg & Klem] [Klem] Yeah, wait in line greeny. :-P [msg] I will when your boobs grow, greeny. [Klem] .......FUCK YOU RUKKER! They are perfect. Don't you dare diss them, greeny. [msg] As if I'd diss boobs! Yeah but come on clem, boobs are squishy and awesome, it's worth it. [Klem] Yeah, they are awesome. And I get to touch them all day. Suck it you little boys. They are all mine! HA! You should grow your own boobs. Just eat a lot of Doritos. [quote=msg] Well we can't go out, the mrs hit me in the face with the tv remote messing about and "accidently" broke the skin on my nose. [quote=msg, Mancannon & Klem] [Klem] when you're running so you can do all sorts of sneaky things. [ManCannon] i knew she was a pervert [Klem] I thought that was already firmly established [ManCannon] you tried to hide it by refusing the nipple clamps, but it was true all along.. of course... Gayracula also nipple crippled... it all makes horrible sense now msg, to the batmobile, we have work to do [msg] Just one question......it's not parked in the bat cave is it? [ManCannon] hm, this could be awkward [Klem] Sorry guys, bat cave's closed off for restorations. All personal belongings will be returned by the end of the month. [msg] Oh so that's why you was biting so easy. [Klem] What?! No! I'm not due for another 3 weeks so SHADUP! [msg] She's a bit touchy MC. [quote=Egg] I haven't done much with my day off. I'm in one of those moods where if it doesn't have to do with ponies I really don't care much. [quote=msg] Snow is like a cock, its measured in inches, soft to the touch, cums when you least expect it and it never gets as deep as you'd like it. Driving in the snow is like eating pussy. If you dont slow down and pay attention you could slide into the asshole in front of you! BE CAREFUL THIS WINTER! [quote=msg] My mrs just had a near death experience......silly fucker thought she could vacuum when football was on [quote=klemoib] I can only imagine how much I would be turned on by doing it in a graveyard. [quote=Aramonde] Klem does kinda have two sides. nice wholesome side [quote=Dr. Eggnog] Genocide is okay if it's random and doesn't target any specific kind of people. (Wait, is it still genocide then?) I don't like the human race very much teehee. I guess I'm an anti-humanite or something, a self hating human. If genocide isn't the right word, I guess I've invented something no one else was sick enough to invent lol! [quote=rockshard] Murder is okay if, for instance, you press a button to kill a random person in the world, and you have no idea who. It's not really wrong because people die all the time. It's especially not wrong if you get 100 dollars every time you press the button, because then you're just doing it for money not as an act of malice. Unless you feel guilty when you do it, because the feeling guilt is conclusively indicative of wrongdoing. [quote=Klem] If I had to kill I wouldn't want to be so detached from the murder. I would want to get my hands dirty. splashing in blood! Yeah! and lots of pointy objects.... knitting makes you want to stab things Now babies are little blobs of suck. Every time I see one I want to punch them in the face. The world should know that babies are satan's spawn. I want to stab them all to death. I really don't get what's so cute about them. My friends are all like: "daaaaaaw! look at its cutesy wootsy feet and its chubby cheeks" and I'll be puking in a corner. stab stab stab! [quote=ManCannon] fat little Eggnog, we should put him in the oven let's bake fat little Eggnog alive, we will feast on the delicious candy and klemobo can dance by the fire then we will give niners some pants [quote=msg & Klem] [msg] Or maybe, we should just educate people on issues such as alcohol, rape and safe sex. 2 of those are amongst my favourite things, I'm not giving them up. [Klem] Alcohol and rape? [msg] Alcohol is my 4th favourite thing after gaming. [quote=Egg &"Sigmund" Klem] [Egg] I like having unresolved issues. By not getting close to any female ever again, I'm never getting to get one pregnant! :D *penis whimpers* Shut up, penis. [Klem] Poor... Poor Eggplant penis. Well. At least you won't make any creepy babies that want to destroy the world. :-P Sucks for you and your penis though. Sigmund Klem says your problem has deep-seated roots in your relationship with your great aunt. Did she abuse you? [Egg] I'm not sure whether or not I've ever even met a great aunt. [quote=msg] None of that matters, only boobs matter. Love=boobs. mmmmmm boobs...... [quote=Egg] I need people to tell me what they think because I'm insecure and my penis is so small I can use the thimble from monopoly as a condom. [quote=msg] My penis is the length of 3 argos pens [quote=rockshard] all sexual acts between two people are immoral because it condones rape (which requires both a rapist and a victim) [quote=Egg] Orgasms are the least enjoyable part of masturbating. [quote=DrEggnog] I should kill everyone who doesn't like JRPGs and old graphics. It can't not make the world a better place. [quote=msg] bacon is the boobs of the food world [quote=DrEggnog] I don't have a "to kill" list. I have a "to not kill" list. It's very short. [quote=ManCannon] God then said: what a load of bushwinkle [quote=Klemoib] Being sick sucks dick. [quote=Klemoib] As fun as a giraffeman getting a blowjob? Sounds pretty fun to me. [quote=Aramonde the msg lover] i know this is going to sound crazy but.....i miss msg [quote=doady] I think it would be better if Crytek went away instead. [quote=ManCannon] my recommendation is to buy a big teddy and hump it viciously whenever you get angry [quote=Aramonde] my first quote in this thread is i miss msg? how disappointing [quote=AtheistGamer] Someone who thinks the earth is flat might accuse someone who thinks the earth is round, of ignoring the evidence right in front of their eyes. But in reality the person who thinks the earth is round knows that the seeming flatness is only an illusion. In the same sense a PSP advocate might accuse a DS fan of ignoring the graphics difference. The DS fan however knows that graphics take a backseat to gameplay. The PSP fan might accuse the DS fan of ignoring many PSP games, but the DS fan knows that they are playable on other systems. The PSP fan might accuse the DS fan of ignoring the PSX games, but the DS fan has all those PSX games in original disk form, or plays them on his PS3. It's a lot like the evolution vs creationism debate. Creationists accuse evolutionists of not seeing the design in life, but evolutionists know that the design is an illusion, due to having taken a closer look. BTW I am not saying that PSP owners are as dumb as creationists, or flat earthers. [quote=ManCannon] I see you are confused, what he meant is that the 3DS is better than Vita because it is like a race car driver creaming up an ice-cream cone but upside down and up his bum
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … wow
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Wow indeed. That's why I miss those days. Every thread was like that until they got locked.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … did mods ever ban people? were there BANS?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Doady got banned by Pape but he was just being even more of a dick then usual.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Must've been a huge dick, Pape wouldn't even ban that Lindt chocolate guy!
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    • LizardTaro
      Editing … Yes, Pape chose a terrible feminist as a mod. Not sure if she is even active on here anymore, but yeh... that was terrible. There was also a bitch who acted like an absolute prick... thank god she didn't seem to have made the transition from UnikGamer to Favslist.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Yeah, the power went to fillys head big time. Look how much better we all get along without Nazi mods getting involved and locking threads for no reason. I think silent gamer said she's the only person he's ever unfriended.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … I remember, would accept almost every friend request except ....
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Good post this one
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