• Sandvich wrote his opinion about The Mermaid
    6 years ago
    An abridged version of my live reactions watching this movie.

    Me: Our Valentine's dinner will be ready in twenty minutes, sweetheart. Want to watch a movie while we eat?

    SO: Only if it's romantic.

    Me: No problem, I'm sure I can find something.

    *Starts browsing romance movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime and sees this movie.*

    Me: What the hell is this? Netflix recommends some really weird shi- wait, 94% on Rotten Tomatoes? Seriously?

    SO: What's that movie?

    Me: I've never heard of it but it has a surprisingly positive critical consensus for what it looks like.

    SO: Let's watch it, it might be neat!

    *Starts watching movie*

    Me: Woah, no way, it's a Stephen Chow movie, I haven't paid him any thought in years, this could be cool.


    Me and SO: BAHAHAHA! This movie is fucking hilarious!


    SO: Oh no, I don't like where this is going. I hate movies like this.

    Me: Don't worry, it's a goofy romantic slapstick comedy, I doubt it's going to get too grim- HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Oh, Jeez Louise, well I'm sure that was the worst of i- OH FUCKING HELL, THIS IS MAKING LOGAN LOOK TAME!

    SO: Can we switch it off?

    Me: But it's almost over, I want to see how it ends.

    SO: Fine, but I'm not putting out tonight, this has totally spoiled the mood.


    Fortunately I salvaged the evening by having earlier put a Valentine's Day card under her pillow which helped mitigate her trauma and ended the night on a positive note.
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … So you’re saying I should see it? I love Stephen Chow.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … I enjoyed in spite of some flaws. There's one sequence in particular that I think is the funniest scene Chow has ever done. Just don't make the mistake of looking at the goofy poster or the movies candy coated aesthetic and assuming it's appropriate for all audiences. Like I can just imagine someone popping this on to occupy their kid and then spending the next two months having to comfort their child after their gruesome nightmares.
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