• 7 years ago
    This is a weird game. It's like Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines meets Max Payne or something. I think I respect it more than I like it, but still, it's possible I'll play more. I love that scene in the apartment with Jenny where you just sit on the couch with her. One of the best realistic nothing type scenes in a game. Jenny's one of the more believable humans I've seen in fiction, it'd feel weird to call her a character. It's so awesomely weird how footage of To Kill a Mockingbird is just playing in real time. Is the whole movie in the game? And then I went to the side of the TV and the screen actually jutted out a little like a real SD TV. If the whole game was that good I'd call it the next Final Fantasy VII. The shooting's fine I guess but I don't care for the darkness powers, ironically they feel shoved into the rest of the experience.
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