• Ulty wrote his opinion about Kubo And The Two Strings
    7 years ago
    Really good movie. The story and characters are more involving than I was expecting.

    The animation is excellent and the music was very fitting to the movie, but where this movie really shines is with its characters. All of them are very likeable and well written to the point where you care about them and relate to them. All the characters, and the story, end on a very good note.

    My only real quibbles with this film are pretty minor. There's a particular plot point regarding a character that I thought was pretty predictable, and I don't really get the motivation of the villain. He has a reason for why he wants what he wants, and a good one, but I feel that some backstory to why he really wants it could've made the character more menacing and impactful.

    But really, nothing that ruined my enjoyment. It's the best movie i've seen all year.
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